Tristan Chong
4 min readDec 22, 2023


An introduction to a fisher of men, Saint Peter, and why he should be your confirmation saint.

“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life; and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.”

John 8: 68–69


Imagine Simon, an ordinary fisherman from Galilee, who never thought he’d ever be anything more than that, yet destined to become a central figure in Christianity. This man, later known as Saint Peter the Apostle, played a pivotal role in the early Christian Church as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Celebrated for his resolute faith and leadership, Peter’s life was a remarkable blend of devout commitment and human flaws. Jesus, seeing his potential, renamed him Cephas, which means “Rock” in Aramaic, and is translated as “Petros” in Greek. This renaming signified Peter’s key role in the Church, as Jesus said: “Upon this rock, I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18). Peter’s transformation from Simon the fisherman to Saint Peter the Apostle is a story marked by faith, repentance, and dedication.

Early Life and Background

Saint Peter, originally Simon, was from Bethsaida, a fishing town near the Sea of Galilee. His life before meeting Jesus revolved around fishing – a typical trade in the area – and family life. His brother Andrew, who later also became an Apostle, introduced Simon to Jesus. This meeting set Simon on a life-changing path.

When Jesus met Simon, He recognized his genuine and honest character. Renaming him Peter was a turning point, signifying a significant change in Simon’s life. The name “Peter,” meaning “rock,” indicated his future role as a foundational figure in the Christian faith. Thus began Simon’s journey from a simple fisherman to an influential leader in the Christian Church.

Spiritual Journey

Peter’s spiritual journey was characterized by profound faith, yet not without personal struggles. He was among the first to recognize Jesus as the Messiah, showing deep spiritual understanding. However, he also faced moments of doubt, notably when he denied Jesus three times during the crucifixion, an act of fear and uncertainty. These challenging moments were crucial in shaping Peter’s growth, teaching him about resilience and growth through personal weaknesses. After Jesus’ resurrection, Peter emerged as a strong leader, guiding the early Christian community with the stability that his name, the ‘rock,’ symbolized.

Major Contributions and Miracles

Peter’s role in the early Christian Church was significant. More than just a disciple, he was a leader and missionary, crucial in spreading Jesus’ teachings. His contributions and miracles are detailed in the Bible, including the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, and epistles bearing his name. Peter worked alongside Paul in Antioch and expanded his missionary work to Asia Minor. The New Testament recounts various miracles by Peter, including healing the sick and resurrecting Tabitha, demonstrating the powerful impact of unwavering faith.

Trials and Tribulations

Peter’s journey was not without its hardships and moments of self-doubt. His denial of Jesus, driven by fear, is a deeply humanizing moment, exposing the inner struggles he faced. These instances of vulnerability were pivotal in shaping his later understanding of forgiveness and redemption. Peter’s story is one of resilience, showing us that spiritual growth often comes from recognizing and learning from our shortcomings. It’s a reminder that our faith can grow stronger through the challenges we face, not weaker.

Death and Canonization

Saint Peter’s death is believed to have been by crucifixion in Rome during Emperor Nero’s rule, a reflection of his steadfast faith. According to tradition, he asked to be crucified upside down, considering himself unworthy to die as Jesus did. This profound humility and dedication marked the end of his life of devout service. Being canonized as a saint and recognized as the first Pope highlights his crucial role in establishing the Christian Church and showcases the lasting impact of his leadership and faith.

Legacy and Influence

Peter’s legacy stands as a cornerstone of the Christian Church. As the first Pope, his leadership and teachings established key principles for the Church’s future direction. His life, interwoven with faith, bravery, and human imperfections, presents an approachable and motivational story. In a time where perfection is often expected of leaders, Peter’s life serves as a powerful reminder of the value of humility and accepting our flaws. His influence endures, encouraging both leaders and followers in the Christian faith to conduct themselves with integrity, humility, and a grounded belief.

Why Choose Saint Peter as Your Confirmation Saint?

Characteristics: Humble Origin, Unwavering Faith, Leadership, Human Vulnerability.

Similar to: Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Augustine of Hippo, Abraham Lincoln George Washington.

Saint Peter is an ideal choice for those who see themselves in the everyday struggles and triumphs of faith. He represents the transformation from ordinary beginnings to extraordinary spiritual leadership. His life shows that true greatness in faith often comes not from perfection, but from the courage to face and overcome one’s imperfections.

Choosing Saint Peter as your confirmation saint means embracing a journey of growth, resilience, and the understanding that our vulnerabilities can be sources of strength.

Reflection and Engagement

Do you see elements of your own spiritual journey in Saint Peter’s story? How do his moments of doubt and subsequent redemption resonate with you? We invite you to share how Saint Peter’s example can inspire your path, especially as you prepare for your confirmation. Join us in exploring how his legacy can influence our lives today.



Tristan Chong

MSc Business Psychology Student A blog to log my learning journey. I share my learning particularly in leadership theory as an academic and practitioner.